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Selasa, 02 April 2013

Tugas Minggu ke -4 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

should goverment spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should goverment spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subway) why? uses spesific reason and details to develop your essay !

I agree if the government increase public transport fleet, but with adequate facilities, so that the user can switch to using private vehicles on public transport people, in doing so can reduce the number of private vehicles are used, and in hopes of reducing the problem of congestion in the capital.
But of course it must be participation from pe by keeping clean while being in public transport, as well as not damaging means of public transport. Many people think the fragility of riding public transportation, as many cases as robbery, rape, until hypnosis in public transport.

For it is the role of government is necessary, degan placing traffic police, so that the passengers always feel safe and comfortable in riding public transportation

Tugas Minggu ke-3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

I plan to bring foreign tourists to visit in one day MONAS, because only 1 day so I decided to visit Monas, in addition to its location which is in the capital, is also the symbol of the city Monas jakarta. the reason why I bring to Monas, because at Monas tourists can see first hand the symbol of the grandeur Jakarta Monas gilded crest, while also travel kemonas can also tell about the history of Indonesia, and to listen to the recording proclamation read by the President of Indonesia the first Indonesia, Mr. Ir. Soekarno

And in Monas jakarta can also see the city from the top of Monas, then after from Monas we can invite foreign tourists visiting the old city or museum Fatahilah the famous dungeon in antiquity.

In museum Fatahilah we can take the tourists around the city using the old bicycle, and then took her culinary tasting jakarta city is "kerak telor"

hopefully by taking second place tourists were impressed and will be back again to holiday to Indonesia